Treasure Coast Archaeological Society
Sebastian, Florida  Indian River County

 TCAS Monthly Meeting Notes

February  2006



The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Mitch King at 7:40 p.m.


There were 21 members present and 6 visitors.


Mitch asked the visitors to introduce themselves.  They were:


                        Mike Blanchard            Robert Morris

                        Bob Dworski                Jeff  ?

                        Bill Punty


Mitch told about his metal detecting trip to Clearwater beach.


Mitch asked for volunteers for the Annual Benefit Hunt.  He asked that everyone think about what they could help with and what food they could bring for the luncheon.


The supplier of silver was expected at the meeting but wasn't able to come.


Frank Hansen said that Fat Boys BBQ will be supplying the food for the hunt again this year.  They will furnish chicken, slaw, and potato salad.


Mitch announced that the Mystery Token had not been found BUT ---------Surprise!  It had been found!!!  Jim Stewart found it!!!  He said that he found it in Riverview Park in Sebastian.


Mitch explained how to vote for the finds on the "find table" for the benefit of the new members and visitors.


Mitch showed the donation of coins from Ed Stranard.  It will be given as a prize at the hunt.


Bob Randall talked to us about our web site.  He said that we will keep the same site but increase the band 


Mitch told us what's on the web site and that it is important that the membership give him more input and information to make the web site more interesting and informative.


New members:  Those that paid dues this month


Frank Hansen   Neil Normando            Jim Stewart                  Ken Murray

Bob Hayden     Bill & Barbara Pundy    Frank & Donna Rothery

TCAS Minutes

Page 2


Members that paid last month but did not receive a new badge:  (For Bob Randall's information)


Richard Giles


Lou Ann Martin


50/50 Winner: Ed Stranard                                            

T-Shirt Winner:          Mike Martin                            

Name Badge Winner: Ed Stranard


Finds of the Month                                                                  


Rings:             Terry Shannon                          Artifacts:                    Terry Shannon                                     

Jewelry:          Mitch King                               Miscellaneous:           Mitch King                                          

Coin Single:    Bob Randall                             Fossils:                       None

Coin Group:    Mitch King

Find of the Month:     Terry Shannon


                    Points Earned


Mitch King        16            Skip Watson         3

Bob Randall        7            Terry Shannon     16

Marty Hufnagel    3            Jim Stewart          1


Marty Hufnagel will bring doughnuts to the March meeting


Andre St.Hilare will bring drinks


The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Donna Rothery, Secretary

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